In Today's business world we come across many challenges and failures at the same time, the main reason for failure in a business is due to lack of management but the question arises what does management mean?

Management is basically managing people to do the right thing at the right time period for achieving the desired goals or can say organizational goals. Such management is required at every level whether it is top, middle, or lower, and in every form of business whether it is Non-profit organizations, large companies such as multinational companies, or small-scale businesses.


1)It helps in achieving individual as well as group goals.

2) It helps to adapt to changes and develop a dynamic organization.

3)It helps to reduce wastage as well as complete the task at minimum cost.

4)It helps in reducing duplicity of efforts, confusion and helps in establishing clear objectives.

5)It helps in growth of business as well as society.

"Management is mainly a process that aims to work effectively and as well as efficiently". Now by reading the above statement there are these three words that can be highlighted which defines management first is it is a process, second, it is achieving work with efficiency, and third with effectiveness.

Firstly let's discuss the management process - As we know in any process there are certain steps that are involved same as the management also involves steps such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and at last controlling.

Planning-It is the first step in moving towards the organizational goal. It is setting objectives and framing strategies and deciding how to do it. It is the most important step as without it no step will be possible.

Organizing-It simply means systemizing the resources and deciding who is going to do what and when it will be done. It is organizing all the resources whether it is material or human resources. It can be effectively done by allotment of resources to different groups.

Staffing- It involves the allocation of the right individual to the right job. so, that the human resources can be utilized, for achieving this the organization follow the selection, placement, and training. Just because of this reason this is also known as the human resource staffing function.

Directing- It is a  step that involves directing an individual's efforts towards the common goal. The direction can be provided through supervising the individuals, communicating with a proper channel, leadership, and reinforcing motivating the employees. It is telling in which direction one should move and overseeing them that they do it in a perfect manner.

Controlling-It is looking backward and finding the improvement areas where the organization has to improve. It is a kind of grade card in which we can access and analyze our progress. It is measuring actual performance with the standards that have been set before at the time of planning.

Now as we have discussed the process the next is to find what is effectiveness and efficiency?

Effectiveness is achieving the assigned task at the right time duration and effectiveness in completing the work but in a minimum possible resources which also helps to minimize the waste and get the full use of resources and time.


As we have discussed all the management, its components, the process in detail let's practice some questions on the basis of the information-

Q1) Which of the following is not a function of management?

A)Corporation  B)Planning  C)Staffing   D)Directing

Answer- Option A

Q2) Efficiency means___

A) Doing the task directly 

B)Doing the task with minimum cost

C)Finding more benefits by using fewer resources.

D)All of the above

Answer- Option D

Q3) ____ step in the management process is looking backward.

A)Staffing   B) organizing C)Directing  D)Controlling

Answer- Option D 

Q4) Directing of individual efforts involves?

A)Supervision B)Leadership  C) Motivation  D)All of the above

Answer- option D

Q5) XYZ ltd targeted to produce 5,000 T-shirts per month at a cost of $3 per shirt. The manager of the production department achieves this target at a cost of $4 per shirt. Do you think the manager of the production department is "effective"? 

Answer- Yes, He is effective but not efficient.
